Anthony Burke is Professor of Architecture at the University of Technology Sydney. A graduate of Columbia University, Anthony has held visiting professor positions in Beijing Institute of Technology and the Institut Teknologi, Bandung. He was an assistant professor at UC Berkeley from 2002-2007 before taking the role of Head of Architecture, and subsequently Associate Dean, at UTS since 2010. In 2012, he was co-creative director for the Australian Pavilion at the Venice Architecture Biennale and directed the architecture symposium celebrating the 40th anniversary of the Sydney Opera House, with the Danish Cultural Ministry. Anthony hosts Restoration Australia on the ABC.


Current Tours:

Architecture and the American City  |  10 – 23 September 2024 (14 days)

Nordic Lights  |  June 2025 (14 days)



“Anthony combines expert knowledge and an engaging personality.”
Graeme W.  | Looking Up: The birth of modern architecture in Sydney, 2021


“Anthony was knowledgeable, good-humoured and passionate about architecture.”
Susan L.  |  Tall Tales of Sydney’s Skyline, 2021


“Anthony Burke is interesting, knowledgeable and approachable. It was like being shown around by a good friend.”

Barbara A.  |  Looking Up: The birth of modern architecture in Sydney, 2021


“Anthony was a wonderful tour leader, sharing his knowledge, insights and passion for architecture.”
Alison M.  |  Looking Up: The birth of modern architecture in Sydney, 2020

Other Tour Leaders

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