Lorraine Kypiotis is passionate about art, life and travel. She is equally passionate about sharing her knowledge and is currently a lecturer in the Department of Art History at the National Art School in Sydney. She is also a frequent and popular guest lecturer at the AGNSW. Lorraine holds a Master of Arts degree from the University of Sydney in Renaissance Studies and has just completed a PhD in Fine Arts.

Current Tours:

Pleasures of Portugal  |  04 – 17 May 2025 (14 days)

Sicilian Odyssey  |  April 2026 (12 days)



“Lorraine’s leadership was outstanding. She had clearly worked extremely hard and well in advance to plan such a complex itinerary.”
Susan Q.  |  The Riches of Eastern Italy, 2018


“Lorraine is ‘La Contessa’ herself! She was wonderful. Well informed, friendly, humorous and caring; we couldn’t have asked for better. Plus, she was just great company. She was also a very practical problem solver.”
Alan D.  |  The Riches of Eastern Italy, 2018


“Lorraine was extraordinary. Always good humoured, helpful, knowledgeable and good fun.”
Warren L.  |   The Riches of Eastern Italy, 2018

Other Tour Leaders

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